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Salvation Army should be using their milllions to give people who have lost their homes due to the bushfires new homes and caravans if they live in them and stop wasting money on Couselling. Build the homes and then fill them with furniture whitegoods etc. Food is donated, Water donated, clothing and other items donated so where is the money going only in Sallies funds
by suemn (score: 0|7) 3490 days ago
by r.eng (score: 3), 1259 days ago
CFS, RFS, depots etc would appreciate donations of non perishable food, containers of water etc. Some supermarkets etc, that normally donate have had their electricity disconnected. In the Adelaide Hills before Christmas there was a shortage of drinkable water.
by r.eng (score: 3), 1259 days ago
The Salvos are too fussy what furniture they accept as donations. I know a family who tried to donate some wardrobes in excellent condition but they wouldn't accept them. An elderly lady tried to donate wardrobe that would have to be dismantled to get it out of the road. They would only accept it if was dismantled for them. She had nobody to do it for it and naturally was not prepared to pay for it to be done.
by Simon Lenthen (score: 1), 3490 days ago
Hi Suemn

I appreciate your concerns. Fortunately the Salvation Army is not the only organisation you can donate too. The Mayor of Blue Mountains City Council has a relief fund specifically formed to help victims of the fires in the Blue Mountains, and there are other charitable orgnisations and events that you can support.

