How Do You Make Your Relationship Last

How Do You Make Your Relationship Last


Posted 2013-04-22 by Ashleigh Dwyerfollow

We all know that relationships take a lot of hard work and they don't come easily, but nothing worth having comes easily. Everyone always says that girls are the ones treated badly in relationships, but have we ever thought that maybe our actions as girls can actually hurt a guy too ? We underestimate the power of our words and actions sometimes, and we take for granted the love we have from the guys in our lives. Us girls sometimes don't realise that guys are just like us too, they want to be treated well and they have feelings and emotions too. As girls we know the way we want to be treated, so lets make sure we treat the special guy in our life the same.

So girls, here are a few ways to make sure you treat your guy well and make your relationship last.

1. Make him feel good
In most relationships the guy will be the one who is always trying to impress his girl and make her feel wanted and special. As a girl it's flattering to be treated like a princess and sometimes we forget to return the favour, so its important to make sure we take the time to show our guy how much he means to us. Cook him a nice dinner, give him a massage, let him watch the football on TV or take him for a weekend away. Whatever it is, just make him feel wanted and loved because ultimately if he feels that then he will do his best to make you feel the same

2. Tell him how you feel
Let's admit it, girls always think that guys don't like to talk about their feelings or that they don't care about what we have to say. Well listen, they definitely do and if you don't talk to them they will never know what you are feeling. No matter what, always talk to your guy. Even if it is about something you think might be a touchy subject or something that might cause some tension between you it is better to be out in the open rather than having it bottled up because nine out of ten times the situation gets worse when that happens. Guys want to share their emotions too, whether we think they do or not, so always ask him how he is feeling and whether he wants to talk, and openly listen to him if he wants to share something with you.

3. Trust him
This is the key in relationships. If you don't trust your guy then you really shouldn't be in the relationship. Sure, if you have been in a relationship with someone and they have done something to make you question your trust for them, then that is a fair reason for you to have some doubts about your trust in them. But if something like that happens and you choose to stay with your guy, you have to work out whether that trust can be built back up again, because if not, then maybe he's not the right guy for you. You need to fully trust your guy if you are going to have a happy, healthy and honest relationship. In relationships you need to think logically sometimes, rather than just completely run on your emotions.

4. Don't start stupid arguments

There is no point arguing over stupid little things with your partner. Talk things through calmly. It is completely normal for couples to disagree on things, but don't get all caught up on the little details that could be made into a much bigger issue than they needed to be

5. Always be yourself
As much as girls think that guys like fake girls, the majority of the time that's not true. If you go out onto the street and ask any random guy they will most likely tell you that they want a girl to be real. They want a girl to be sexy and confident with who she is and just someone who is down to earth. They don't want someone who is fake and pretends to be someone they're not. So whatever you do, don't pretend when you're around your guy. He is with you and has fallen in love with you for a reason, so don't ever change.

6.Don't moan/complain/whine
Guys don't like it so don't do it. Guys want to be with you without all the pointless drama. The only appropriate time for moaning is in the bedroom.

7. Don't smother him
You are there to be his girlfriend and his lover, not his mother. So give him space and let him be a guy too.

8. Don't make him feel small
Every guy wants to prove to his girl that he can do anything, and that he is strong and tough, so give him every opportunity to show you what he's made of. Never bring him down and never make him feel like he's not good enough because guys have feelings too and this can shatter their self confidence, just like it does for girls.

9. Be respectful of his family and friends
All right, so it's common for a girlfriend to not like their boyfriend's mates or to not always get along with the boyfriend's family, but if you want your relationship to work you need to make an effort to get along. Unless there is a serious issue, keep your feelings on the issue to yourself. Most guys will ALWAYS stand up for their girl, but just like girls, a guy's family and mates mean everything to them and they won't let anyone hurt them.

10. Always appreciate the little things
Guys will always be showing their girl how much they care for and love them in weird and wonderful ways. Some guys are more romantic than others and will prepare a nice candlelit dinner at home, or will take them out for a picnic in the park or a holiday to the mountains. Some will just buy them their favourite chocolate, a cute little teddy bear or even a gorgeous diamond ring. However your special guy shows you he loves you, appreciate it. Even the little text messages to say goodnight and good morning or the fact he pulls out your seat for you to sit on at the restaurant. It's the little things that mean the most.

11. Respect him as much as you want to be respected
Respect is key!

12. Tell him you love him
There is no better feeling in the world then hearing your guy say that he loves you. It doesn't matter how many times it's said, it still gives you that same rush of feelings, the tingling sensation and the butterflies in your tummy. So if you love him, tell him because I can guarantee you he loves hearing you saying it as much as you love hearing him say it, and he will never ever get tired of it.

13. Never stop showing him how much you love him and care about him, no matter how long you have been together
The biggest mistake in relationships is settling into the relationship and no longer doing the romantic things that happened at the start of the relationship. Just because you have your guy, doesn't mean that you should just stop showing him how much you love him. No matter how long you have been together, never ever stop proving to him how much you want to be with him.

14. Be his biggest supporter
All a guy wants is for his partner to appreciate him and to support him no matter what. So encourage and support him!

15. Cuddle and kiss your man
There is nothing better than feeling your guys arms around you and for a guy, they love cuddles and kisses too and it shows how much you love each other.

16. If you are at that point in your relationship, have sex with each other, not only for fun but because its a special bond to share between two people when they are in love.

17. Laugh with each other and make each other smile

Another thing to think about is that guys are not just penises with a wallet. Guys have feelings too and they should be respected and loved just like girls. Don't use guys for money and certainly don't just use guys for sex.

One thing to remember though, is that no guy is perfect. Girls, we aren't perfect either and neither are relationships, but if you have found the right guy for you then hold onto him because good guys are hard to come by and you don't want to let a good guy slip away. Relationships fail if someone gives up trying. You both have to continue to put in the effort otherwise your relationship isn't going to work out. You can't have an automatic love story. And you can't have a rainbow without the rain. The strongest relationships are those that pull through the hard times.

Relationships aren't for getting things, they are for giving things. Never fall in love to make yourself happy, but fall in love so that you can make someone else happy.

89837 - 2023-06-11 08:13:15


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