How To Get Back On Track With Your New Year's Resolutions
For many their New Year's Eve resolutions have come and gone. They start with a steely determination to change and sign-up for the latest program, buy the hottest book or go it on their own.
According to surveys, only 8 percent of people successfully achieve their New Year's resolutions and 80 percent of those who make New Year resolutions have failed by January 20th.
International bestselling author, speaker and life enrichment mentor, Madisen Harper says, "I've spoken to thousands of people and there was one common theme, 'I've tried so many things but never fully get what I desire.' After a decade of research I was finally able to identify why this was so. It's often because they're looking to someone else for their life's solution and / or not sticking to anything long enough to get the results."
The self-help industry is worth a whopping $12 billion dollars so there are a lot of people wanting to improve their lives and it's frustrating when they put the time and effort in and achieve minimal results.
Harper acknowledges, "Personal development resources are fantastic, but sometimes you don't achieve robust success because you've got to tweak their formula a little to make it work for you."
In fact she has helped over 20,000 people access their limitLESS® life by turning them into their own guru! Her process is outlined in her newly released book, limitLESS: 10 Energy Excelerators to Access Your Infinite Potential.
The life changing resource is a result of her decade long research but she stresses, "It's not another book that instructs you how to run your life as that's obviously not working for people. I can't overlay my recipe for success on your life as everyone's blueprint is different. Sure I can share my experiences with others but if I truly want to make a difference in someone's life I aim to hold and remind them of their highest vision not dish out irrelevant advice because I think I know best."
limitLESS® Framework
The limitLESS® structure was developed from working with clients and PhD research participants.
The framework comprises three building blocks: foundation, faith, and flourish to launch and establish your magnificent life. This framework is underpinned by:
• Accessing the mind's powerful workhorse – the subconscious.
• The Law of Attraction where like attracts like. Your ability to manipulate this energy is how you manifest your desires. limitLESS® leverages this process with ten energy concepts that not only accelerates progress but allows you to excel.
The ten-point framework comprises the following 'Energy Excelerators':
Energy Excelerator #1 : How Do You Know What You Know?
As tapping into Universal wisdom is a large part of the limitLESS® process the first concept asks readers, "How do you know what you know?" From making decisions to obtaining information? This information is used as a baseline to access infinite wisdom but to also assess if some of their thought, concerns and worries belong to them or those around them.
Energy Excelerator #2 : Clear, Calm, and Connected
Most people complain they're too busy to do anything positive for themselves. In fact many have a hard enough time getting through life from relationship to life commitments such as friends, family bills, work and social time. But you'll find one common activity that most successful people have in common and that's being mindful which is often practiced in the form of meditation.
Many believe they can't meditate but practice is key, even if you still your mind for a minute or so, that's progress. Harper created a Free Mediation to facilitate the process and when people listened 3 to 4 times a week they reduced brain clutter by 80%.
Energy Excelerator #3 : Life Pillars
There are key areas that support your life and Harper identifies 10 Life Pillars: career, community, education, family, finances, friends, health, home life, love life and personal development / spirituality.
At different times of your life certain pillars will be more prominent. For example, when you're 18 years old you're probably focusing on friends, when you're in your 20s it may be finances. The point is, not all Life Pillars are created equal throughout your life.
The point of the pillars to is to assess which ones are most important to you and how happy you are in that area right now. Harper suggests applying the limitLESS® framework to the area where you identify high importance, but a low level of happiness in order to get the best results.
Energy Excelerator #4 : Your Four Energy Systems
If a part of your life is out of whack it's an indicator that your energy systems are misaligned. According to quantum mechanics we live an energy-based existence so it's important to nourish and balance your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical counterparts to achieve well-being and success. Harper's book identifies how to achieve this.
Energy Excelerator #5 : The Value of Values
What are your top three values? When most people are asked this question they have no idea and it's another major factor that contributes to your energy being out of alignment. Harper created an online tool to identify, prioritize, and apply your values in order to make better decisions, navigate your life, and enhance happiness.
Energy Excelerator #6 : Aware, Acknowledge, Awake – 3 Keys to Releasing Barriers to Success
Perhaps one of the reasons the self-help industry is worth $12 billion is because people are failing as they refuse to overcome roadblocks once and for all and it trips them up time after time. If you want your life to flourish you must stop sweeping issues under the carpet and deal with them, otherwise they're like a petulant child wanting your attention.
Firstly you need to be aware of the issues which can be a little uncomfortable but what's more uncomfortable is them reoccurring time after time. For some simply acknowledging the issues causes them to go away, but sometimes you need to awaken a part of you that has been dormant for some time and make it your new reality. For example, if you keep telling yourself, "There's never enough money." You're going to need to reprogram yourself by accessing the powerful subconscious mind in order to awaken and anchor a new existence such as, "There's always enough money and I have financial freedom."
Energy Excelerator #7 : States that Satiate and Cultivate Gratitude
We've all heard people say, "Money doesn't buy you happiness." This is partially true but Harper acknowledges, "I'd rather be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy." But she clarifies, "It's actually not the stuff that makes you happy, but the state it creates for you."
Think about it, you wanted the exotic vacation and it made you happy for a while until you were onto the next thing. In reality what you wanted were the states of freedom and relaxation. Now imagine if you could recognize and cultivate that state right now? The freedom to sleep, relaxation during a yoga class or at movie.
The more you discover your desired states and find opportunities to be grateful for where they exist in your day-to-day the happier you become.
The kicker is, when you cultivate this state driven energy and gratitude you get the stuff anyway!
Energy Excelerator #8 : Guiding Your Life
When speaking with clients and PhD research participants Harper recognized the challenges they had around making decisions, big or small. There was often a fear of not making the 'right' decision so they'd procrastinate or do nothing at all which was a decision unto itself.
Harper provides readers with two tools to help them make clear, confident decision. The first process is as easy as to clearing your mind, asking yourself a question, "Is it in my highest interest to take this business course?" and then assess your energy.
If it feels contracted, heavy or dark then the answer is probably, "No". If the energy feels expanded, open, light and easy, then the answer is, "Yes". This practice is all about tapping into your inner wisdom and subconscious mind which never leads you astray and has your best interest at heart.
Energy Excelerator #9 : Accessing Your Inner Guru
Accessing this wisdom is Harper's favourite concept, "Its' the one energy process that really shifts people quickly and makes a significant difference to their lives. My clients love it because the information they mine is pure gold!"
Harper provides guidance on how to access what she calls your 'Inner Guru'. "Some people would call it gut feeling, intuition, Higher Self, Universal wisdom and the like. I like to look at it like omnipotent Source energy which I'm plugged into."
In this state people access answers, inspiration, and actions from infinite Universal wisdom which helps them obtain guidance and solutions specific to their life which is the key reason why other people's resources didn't work wholly for them. Saying that, it's still great to tap into other's wisdom as it's inspiring and you can always modify their recipe for success so it works for you. After all, there's no point in reinventing the wheel when you can just tweak it.
This one principle alone changes people's lives and allows them to finally thrive.
Energy Excelerator #10 : limitLESS® Blueprint
Harper says, "If there's one habit I consistently observe it's people's inability to stay focused on one practice long enough to make it work. I have clients who complain, 'But I've tried everything', and that's true, they've worked really hard, but they've not been committed to one process for a reasonable period of time."
When people don't see immediate change they switch to the next miracle solution. That's why Harper says you need a blueprint of activities to keep you on track towards consistent, persistent, and focused personal development action.
She also encourages you to take stock of your progress as often the many incremental changes contribute to monumental success. Sometimes the changes are so small people don't recognize and celebrate them. So be mindful and take note, it's similar to when you start saving money, after a while the small deposits add up to a decent amount and it encourages you to do more of the same.
If you want to live above life's flatline and access your infinite potential then Harper's new book, limitLESS®: 10 Energy Excelerators to Access Your Infinite Potential, takes you on an incredible journey of self-discovery to awaken your true potential.
Using these ten energy principles you will create a solid foundation to launch your successful self, learn to harness the power of the Universe's energy, and discover your magnificent Inner Guru. The limitLESS® framework has guided over 20,000 people to triumph in areas where they previously failed. It's your time to Step Up, Stand Out, and Thrive.
Special Offer to Weekend Notes Readers
This great resource is available from just $9.99 and if you visit
Madisen Harper's Website on 21 February 2013 and buy Madisen's book or eBook you receive over $1000 in downloadable personal development gifts offering valuable guidance, inspiration, information and training.
Madisen is also offering 10% off her limitLESS® coaching, just say you read this article to redeem, visit
Madisen's Coaching and Mentoring page for more information.
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