Different Ways of Folding Socks
Are you the type that can't be bothered folding your socks when they come off the line and they are scattered in the drawer or are you the type that folds each pair neatly ready for next time's wear? I always thought that the folding of Socks was a basic technique which was handed down from Mother to Daughter and from generation to generation. I naturally thought the way my Mum taught me was the only way. Why, well how many ways are there to fold socks? I was soon to find out and it now appears that the way I was taught is in the minority compared to everyone I have asked recently.
So, I headed to my reliable source, the Internet, to find out more on this simple yet significant task. Simple it may be; however I found several different ways of folding socks. There was the
Military Way , the
Easy Way , the
Folding Together Way, the
Proper Way and the
Men's Way all with varying stages from 2 steps to 9 steps. Yet, which was the technique that had handed down to me?
I was taught to fold each sock inside out then bring the toe half way back through so a mouth was formed. Lay one sock a quarter of the way down on the other sock and roll the tail of both socks up together, flipping the rolled up part into the mouth. Voila, you had a compact little mound to store in your drawers and when you had to wear them again you would unroll, place your toes in the mouth piece, roll back the tail over your foot and your socks would be the right way out. No rush finding the pairs in the mornings when you are in a hurry. However, this was definitely not the done deal when I lived with my partner, when 'mere male' believed he had the right way.
Wikihow website I smiled to myself when I came across the following paragraph – "Being able to fold socks is an important skill to have for all men. It can help you when packing for a trip, or just keeping your living space more clean and tidy. These steps will teach you the perfect method for folding men's socks." And wouldn't we all just love to have them folding their own socks.
Reading this all important way of folding "Men's" socks I realised that this was very similar to the way I had been taught by my Mother, so maybe the Men did have it right after all, as I found no technique documented solely for the Women. Although in the days depicted above, we of the fairer sex were probably wearing nylons rather than socks.
Education gained out of this one small thought, is that there is always several ways of accomplishing even the simplest of tasks and we are neither right nor wrong in the way we were taught. So, how do you fold your socks?
88244 - 2023-06-11 07:50:26