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Where is the café with the Eiffel Tower on top? That would be fun to visit.
by Jenny Prior (score: 3|4274) 3354 days ago
by Jenny Prior (score: 3), 3353 days ago
Thanks Katie. Yes I know Brissie well. Born and bred there. I even went back for the Expo in '88, so I may remember the 'Eiffel Tower' when I see it. I didn't know its new place of abode.
by Katie E (score: 2), 3353 days ago
It's on Park Road, Milton in Brisbane. Not sure if you're familiar with Brisbane, but this inner-city suburburan road is packed full of great restaurants, cafes and coffee shops. The 'eiffel tower' was built here about 25 years ago when Expo ended - it looks beautiful all lit up at night.