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Not sure bout Brisbane but in Sydney we have a few suburbs that a predominantly from somewhere eg. Korean food: strathfield; middle eastern- Lakemba, greenacre, Bankstown or even at George area, Newtown has some great Chinese restaurants, yum cha in the city etc. I also like the historical local tours you can do and once a year I know that Lakemba mosque and Auburn (also great if you want Turkish Food) mosque has an open day sometime in Sept and the Ottoman architecture is amazing outside these open days visitors are normally allowed with cameras to take tours as well as I'm sure other traditional religious cites do. Sydney has a lot on offer too with convict time on display at Hyde park barracks, harbour tours etc. like most towns we have food tours as well but I like to just make mine up. Greek food and sweets I'm kingsgrove, Italian next month, suhi train (you can prob tell things revolve around food for me) surry hills has a few great middle Eastern restaurants and newtown Thai. For great Indian why not do what everyone else seems to be doin- head west!
by Zeina (score: 0|7) 3358 days ago
by Katie E (score: 2), 3358 days ago
Wow so many great ideas - thanks!