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Meal plan! Meal plan! Meal plan! I have been able to cut my grocery bill in half by meal planning a month in advance. Don't do it with pen and paper - use an online service (I use "plan to eat"). It will hold your recipes, your plan AND spit out a shopping list for you. Has changed my life
by Twofeet (score: 1|18) 3790 days ago
by thriftyfrugalfun (score: 1), 3789 days ago
I agree with the meal planning and also do mine monthly. I also do a regular food audit, where I write down everything in my fridge, pantry and freezer. I can usually make a few nights meals with what I have on hand before I even set foot into a grocery store!
by Nadine Cresswell-Myatt (score: 3), 3790 days ago
Suze, thanks. Can's wait to try Plan to Eat. It sounds great. Cheers Nadine.