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How Should Steak be Cooked?

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Writer's Answer:
by Michaelie Clark (subscribe)
Pun-loving freelance writer based in Victoria.
Published January 28th 2012
Steak lovers will often get into a bloody battle about how the perfect steak should be cooked. Those who order it rare can be disdainful of those who like it burnt to a crisp, and those who like it well done can be disgusted by those who like it more than a mite juicy. It's a meaty issue for people who are bullish about their beef. Credibility can be lost over varying tastes, though some may think there's more at stake than steak kudos. Many who prefer their steak thoroughly cooked do so because they are concerned about the safety of eating it rare.

How Should the Perfect Steak be Cooked
A medium steak for those on the fence. Image credit - BlabberMouth.

We want to know how you think the perfect steak should be cooked. Do you err on the side of caution – or carpaccio? Is it just a matter of taste? Take a look at our opposing profiles below and let us know which side of the grill you're on.

Rare Essentialists
The Rare Essentialists revere the sear. They like it red, blue or even 'still mooing', and they're not backwards in coming forwards about it. Those who are tough about the tenderness of their steak have a keen appreciation for bloody beef, and feel a real sense of desecration when a prime cut is 'ruined' by overcooking. They are also likely to get saucy about condiments – smother your sirloin in tomato sauce and you'll find they have a bone to pick with you.

The Perfect Steak
Would you order your steak 'still mooing'?

Char Enthusiasts
The Char Enthusiasts bravo a well done steak and don't take too kindly to others overruling their orders. If the overdone steak they requested arrives at the table pink, they may see red. They don't appreciate getting a raw deal from so-called connoisseurs who think their way is best, regardless of the tastes of others. They're paying for their meal to be cooked, so cooked is how they'll have it, thank you very much.

How do you think steak should be cooked? Do you have beef with those who disparage your preference for well-cooked meat? Do you think a good steak is wasted on people who like meat that they need a hacksaw to get through? Leave a comment and stake out your stand in the steak debate.
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I like my steak medium rare, not too bloody, but a nice healthy pink where it is juicy and easy to cut, not chewy and has great flavour. I must admit though, I am partial to a good pepper sauce on it as well!!
by jan.d (score: 2|109) 4149 days ago
Steak is one of my fav.foods. I'm having eye fillet tonight! I like it medium well done which still leaves it with a hint "spongy" to the touch. I believe that eating meat nearly raw has huge health risks and I would not, knowingly leave myself open to food poisoning.
by jeash (score: 1|12) 4155 days ago
Blue ! :)
by sjs22 (score: 1|20) 4149 days ago

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