How Can I Stop Bag Snatchers

How Can I Stop Bag Snatchers


Posted 2013-04-30 by Serenafollow

Bag snatching is a crime and it could happen to you when you least suspect it.

Now when I talk about bag snatchers I don't just mean the man who will jump up and grab your bag off your arm and run away. I'm also talking to those readers out there who leave their bag just lying all over the place in stores. You may think you're vigilant but I've seen girls simply dump their bag on the floor and walk off and look at clothes.

Rule #1 Never assume that your bag is safe. I've been to a particular arcade in the city and had my friends place their bags in a pile with the rest of us and not once but twice bags have been stolen from right beside us. Just because your bag is right next to you doesn't mean you should take your eyes off it for a moment.

Furthermore, don't assume just because you're inside a building or a respectful store that the people within are just as respectful. Always keep your eye out.

Rule #2 If you're on the train or a bus, and you need to put your bag on the floor or the chair besides you, keep one arm strapped through it at all times. You'll still have free movement of your arm but it gives you that little extra security.

Rule #3 Try not to carry too much more than you need. If you do get bag snatched you don't want to have lots of excess cash lying about in your bag. Carry what you need and please don't actually go about boasting about what valuable items are in your bag because you're just making yourself a target (believe me, it's happened).

Rule #4 Don't just make it easy for them by having a bag with a teeny tiny spaghetti strap; have something that you can actually hold on to. Would a robber rather face five mins trying to tear the bag away from you, attracting attention, or a quick run and grab breaking the strap off your shoulder and disappearing?

Rule #5 This rule is probably THE most important rule- if you really cannot deter a bag snatcher, remember you are more important than the contents of your bag. Some, not all but some, are willing to grab a knife and injure you just to get a hold of your bag. No matter what is in there your safety comes first, so just say farewell to your items and get the heck out of there!

Rule #6 Stay within well lit areas. This is the same for any sort of attack, stay around lots of people in a nice bright area so that if anything happens many people will notice.

Rule #7 If you think something suspicious is happening, don't just turn around, try and use reflective surfaces to check out what's going on behind you. This links to -

Rule #8 If you do see anything suspicious, get yourself out of there. You may even want to report what you've seen. Once again your safety comes first, and if you have seen any suspicious actions tell the authorities before some other poor person gets bag snatched or attacked.

So with these eight rules hopefully your bag can stay a lot safer from any criminals out there.

89764 - 2023-06-11 08:12:16


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