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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Where are the Best Hot Cross Buns in Brisbane?
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Thanks Barry. Last Easter in an attempt to get the 'best' hot cross buns, I read lots of blogs, and we waited in a long line outside one of the recommended bakeries. I guess it's a subjective thing, because the buns didn't taste that great. We ended up buying another lot from Coles and really enjoying them (we like doughy and fruity). I wasn't surprised to see Coles buns voted as the best in Choice Magazine this year.
by Myrtle Pasquali (score: 2|104) 2264 days ago
by Barry J (score: 2), 2262 days ago
Excellent point Myrtle. While each city has it's own special bakeries, we're lucky that the supermarket HCBs are still enjoyable at a discount price. Choice has a recipe too, home-made are even better!