Hosome Gingerbread Factory Outlet
I must admit I never liked gingerbread, I found it too spicy and unappealing. However, a few years ago our kindergarten was selling gingerbread as a fund raiser, so as with all fundraisers I did my bit to support the cause.
My children were enjoying them so much it made me curious of how they tasted, so I tried a tiny bit of their gingerbread, and to my surprise it was yummy, not spicy but more like ginger with golden syrup mixed into a soft biscuit, they are very tasty.
At the time they had a factory nearby and we became constant visitors, especially around Christmas time when they have cute Christmas tree gingerbread and gingerbread houses. They were a hit with all our relatives and we are still getting requests for more gingerbread.
It was a sad day when they put a notice up saying they were moving to Keysborough. Okay, so it's not so far away but it's not the same as being a few kilometres down the road.
For the first time this year, I was in the area at the right time and thought I must call in for some gingerbread men. The embarrassing part is they still remember me, maybe I did go there a bit to much!
Anyway everything is still the same and you can buy seconds from the factory. There is nothing wrong with them, they're just not 100% perfect, maybe a wonky eye on the gingerbread man or an extra button, but you can get a box of 36 gingerbread men for $20.
I know a lot of kinders buy the seconds and sell them for $1.50 each, and they sell quickly and make a nice profit out of it.
At the moment Hosome gingerbread is getting ready for Christmas in July with lots of yummy gingerbread houses and trees on display.
If you are a real gingerbread lover they also run tours through the factory for school groups and other pre booked groups, so you get to see the whole process of gingerbread production.
You will also find these giant yo-yos which have been brought back into production due to popular demand, at only $1 each and they taste as good as they look.
I was also informed that gingerbread can be ordered over the phone and
posted out for $10 for one box and at the same cost for 2 boxes.
My tip is to get down to the Hosome Gingerbread Factory and grab great gingerbread at bargain prices.
The factory is open 5 days a week Mon - Fri from 8 am - 4 pm.
217735 - 2023-06-16 07:38:01