Listing FAQ

Featured Article FAQ

Thank you for your interest in WeekendNotes Ho Chi Minh.

We look forward to promoting your upcoming event or business to the growing WeekendNotes Ho Chi Minh community which currently has 0 email newsletter subscribers and 0 Facebook followers.

Did you know that WeekendNotes Ho Chi Minh has been promoting fun and interesting events and activities in Australia, the UK and the USA since 2007! We have provided advertising for hundreds of thousands of events and small businesses over the decades and aim to deliver a campaign that aligns with your goals.

By purchasing a Feature article, you will have access to our premium packages which are managed by the Editor and include top placement on the website, top placement in our weekly newsletter (sent on Tuesday and Friday morning) and posts on our Facebook page.

We always aim to promote your event quickly and efficiently - with campaigns often live within 2 working days.

It's an easy 2 step process:

  • Following the purchase of your article, the editor will contact you to discuss your article and you will have the opportunity to provide additional information, your preferred images, tracking links, video content and ask any questions you may have.

  • We will then create the draft within 2 working days and you will have the chance to review the layout, suggest amendments and approve the article for publication.

    Once the Feature article is live it will circulate the newsletter on Tuesday and Friday mornings.

    Best of all, you can promote your event at any time as we can adjust the 1-month Feature period accordingly. In fact, we encourage you to promote your event at least one month in advance for the best results. Contact the editor at [email protected] to discuss a potential advertising schedule.

    We also offer discounts if you would like to purchase more than 4 Feature articles in one transaction. The Feature articles can be scheduled at any time, so this is a great option if you have several events coming up during the year. Contact the editor at [email protected] to find out more.

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