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From 1878 until 1908 most of Adelaide's horse trams to the eastern suburbs, operated by the Adelaide and Suburban Tramway Co., travelled inbound via Grenfell Street and outbound along Rundle Street from King William Street and through Kent Town. When the horse trams were being replaced by electric trams in 1909, many wanted the electric trams to use Rundle Street - on a double set of tram tracks, but the Municipal Tramways Trust decided against that, instead sending them along Grenfell Street and North Terrace. In 1928 the City Council banned buses from using Rundle Street. Between 1937 and 1963, trolley (electric) buses used Rundle Street. They were so quiet (the only noise they made was from their tyres on the road) that some people called them "Silent Death". Then diesel buses used Rundle Street until moved out to make way for Rundle Mall.
by wilso (score: 0|2) 2950 days ago