Hills Youth Theatre Presents 'Mirror Image'
Sat 09 Aug 2014 - Sun 17 Aug 2014
Mirror Image is a real enchanted musical adventure, directed by Judy Sampson & the Senior Students of
Hills Youth Theatre Inc. (HYT), where the best and the worst of the tough reality of high school comes face to face with the fairy tale world. In this complex and enchanting story, the characters we have grownup with in fairy tales break free of their roles as we have known and cross the portal and discover they can be their own heroes.
"The play is a lot of fun, that has a good message,' says Hills Youth Theatre Director, Judy Sampson. "Anybody can do anything they choose to. It doesn't matter who you are, whatever you put your mind to, you can be it; your life and journey is not sown, it is whatever you want to make it. It is a wonderful play with a meaningful theme for parents to take their children to, as it has a poignant message about what it means to be alive and master your own destiny."
It is quite normal for Judy to feel excited as the play comes together, particularly with the Seniors in HYT, as they are co-directors with the production of
Mirror Image. From the very start of production the Seniors have a say in everything as they learn from experience how to put a play together. "We have quite lively discussions, as you could imagine, with about 40 kids with 40 opinions," says Judy. "We came to decisions about who our audience was going to be, whether it would be young or old? We looked at different genres, and as there are a number of drama queens in our production, who like to sing and like musical input, we finally made a democratic decision and we narrowed it down to the play
Mirror Image."
Judy is very proud of the kids for putting this play on, as they have looked at every avenue, especially the costumes. "Some have even gone and bought costumes off e-bay," she says, "because they couldn't find what they were looking for. They are really looking to make it the best show possible. We had a choreographer give them choreography for the dance moves, which they have really taken on-board."
[IMAGE="http://www.weekendnotes.com/im/005/05/mirror-image-hyt9210412.jpg" width="662" link="http://www.weekendnotes.com/im/005/05/mirror-image-hyt92104121.jpg" align="CENTER" thumb="http://www.weekendnotes.com/im/005/05/mirror-image-hyt92104122.jpg" border="1" caption="From the left:
Zoe Hilton
Connor Leinweber (In Blue)
Claire Sparrow
Matilda Hilton
Katherine Kleemann (Green stripes on sleeve)
Eloise Lesue
" wrap="0" title="Mirror Image HYT" margin="5"]
Hills Youth Theatre is fortunate in having Jon McKay and the lighting production team create the lighting, computer graphics, animation and the rear projection for the back walls, instead of having to paint so much now-a-days. Any one who saw HYT's production of
Ebenezer Scrooge will remember what a fantastic job Jon and his team did with the rear projection for that production. He even managed some 3D effects to excite audiences.
Performances will be held at
Stirling Community Theatre, 7 Avenue Road, Stirling.
Saturday 9th August 5.00pm - Opening Twilight
Sunday 10th August 2.00pm - Matinee
Friday 15th August 7.00pm - Evening performance
Saturday 16th August 5.00pm - Twilight performance
Sunday 17th August 2.00pm - Finale Matinee performance
Tickets: will be available from Matilda Bookshop at
8 Mt Barker Road, Stirling, phone 8339 3931, from 21 July 2014.
Prices are: adults $15, child/concession $12, family $48 (2 adults, 2 children). A booking fee of $1.50 per ticket
Hills Youth Theatre is a community based non-profit organisation which provides quality drama education and performance opportunities to children in the Stirling and surrounding
hills area aged 5 to 18 years.
!date 09/08/2014 -- 17/08/2014
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