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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Hillcrest and Oakden Heritage Walking Trail
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The Tea Tree Gully History Co-ordinator knows nothing of this 1950s proposal. There was talk at one stage of extending the Northfield Dry Creek line to TTG but this would have all been north of Grand Junction Road and not around Hillcrest. I have wondered about the strip near Oxford Street. I'll see what the Enfield history people know of this.
by ceeja (score: 1|16) 2153 days ago
by ceeja (score: 1), 2138 days ago
The tramline to North Walkerville terminated at the corner of Hampstead Road and North East Road and closed in 1955. There is not enough room for me to tell the full story. If interested please email [email protected]
by Michael Genrich (score: 3), 2153 days ago
That would be good. It's on the description of the walk at Harry Wierda Reserve. That's my only reference.
by allan (score: 0), 2153 days ago
I'm not really sure of what your talking about. Would like to know more . I lived in Oxford st for 10 years.