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To clarify the name "Hillarys Boat Harbour".

The reviews are mostly for restaurants & cafes at Sorrento Quay Boardwalk, one of several developments at the Harbour. Think of "Hillarys Boat Harbour" as a suburb and Sorrento Quay Boardwalk, AQUA, The Great Escape and Hillarys Harbour Resort as places within that suburb. This is much the same as Whitford City which is in the suburb of Hillarys.

Reviews of Hillarys Yacht Club, Spinnakers cafe, The Great Escape & Mia Cucina to name a few have been left out yet are popular dining destinations in the Harbour.

In our view the article would be best called "Food and Drink at Sorrento Quay Boardwalk". For details of restaurants and cafes at Sorrento Quay Boardwalk go to . For Hillarys Boat Harbour go to .


Sorrento Quay Boardwalk
by SQB (score: 0|4) 4045 days ago
by Tom (score: 2), 4044 days ago
Thanks for the response. I am aware that it is mostly Sorrento Quay, I've been going to Hillarys for 17 years and for me I've just always called it Hillarys. SQ for me is the most instantly recognizable part of the marina and I've never really given it a second thought - when people say Hillarys its the first thing that comes to mind.

On the point of the ones I missed, I haven't actually been to those ones yet - but I do really want to, and as soon as I do I will be adding them, and hopefully going into more depth with some of my favourites :)

Hope that clears things up!