Hermitage CFS Open Day
Sat 28 Oct 2017
Hermitage Country Fire Service will be holding an Open Day as part of Bushfire Action Week on Saturday, 28th October from 10am to 2pm.
There will be the SA Country Fire Service, SA Metropolitan Fire Service, SA State Emergency Service, along with the SA Ambulance Service in attendance on the day.
The Open Day will feature:
Live fire demonstrations every hour
Free sausage sizzle
Use the hoses
12 Emergency Service Vehicles - from firetrucks to
ambulances for you to explore
Meet Smokey the Koala
Come see the "Jaws of Life"
Learn about bushfire, housefire, storm and flood safety
Become a firefighter for a day!
Free face painting & balloon animals.
The station will be open to all visitors, so feel free to come up, stay a while, and have a look through the station. There will be 5 CFS firetrucks, an MFS firetruck, SES rescue vehicle and the"Banana Rescue Boat", the ambulance service, and 4 fire cars.
Last year was very popular and this year is set to be bigger and better than ever before. The gives the community an opportunity to learn vital information on bushfire preparation and safety, flood, housefire and other emergency situations.
The station is a short scenic drive from Tea Tree Gully or Golden Grove.
!date 28/10/2017 -- 28/10/2017
207288 - 2023-06-16 05:57:56