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Great article. I am a born and bred South Aussie, but live in the warmer (winter) Queensland these days, and have had experience in historical tourism in the past. The list of solutions is interesting too. One of the issues is lack of funds for quality advertising and marketing. Also signage is a big issue too. Even yesterday I visited a place where the shrubbery had hidden the signage, and I nearly missed the place.
by Di Hill (score: 2|716) 2608 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 2608 days ago
Thanks for your thoughts Di. Regarding advertising, social media - particularly Facebook is quite an effective tool for little cost. The key is to ensure that your posts reach your target market.

Web advertising is also enormously effective, asking for an article on sites like Weekend Notes is free and can produce very good results.

Signage is important too, but some effective results can be achieved even with visual attractions such as balloons.