Heart Week 2017
Sat 29 Apr 2017 - Fri 05 May 2017
This year's Heart Week will be focusing on the importance of diagnosing and treating high blood pressure in our nation. It will be a good time to talk about high blood pressure.
High blood pressure is the main risk factor for heart disease and can lead to heart attack, stroke and kidney disease. However managing high blood pressure remains a huge challenge. Over 33% of adults in Australia have high blood pressure.
In Adelaide, a couple of community events will be held as part of Heart Week.
On Saturday 29 April, there will be a
celebration walk in the city with two available options - either a 5km walk or a 7km walk. The 5km walk will start at Botanic Park and go around the zoo and back. The 7km walk will start at Botanic Park and go down to the festival centre and back. Walks will begin at 9am, with registrations commencing at 8.30am. Don't forget to wear red.
During the week,
mobile heart health checks will be available at Grenville Hub in Elizabeth and Jack Young Centre in Salisbury. These are offered free to the community by UniSA and the Heart Foundation. No bookings required.
On Wednesday 3 May, Heart Foundation Walking will host a
walk departing from the Jack Young Centre dining room at 10.30am.
On Friday 5 May, Heart Foundation Walking will host a
walk departing from Freemont Park flat at 9.30am.
Walking is a great way to lower blood pressure. For latest updates of events, please check their
facebook page .
!date 29/04/2017 -- 05/05/2017
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