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Healthy Breakfast Recipe Idea

Home > Adelaide > Recipes
by Julie White / Pictorial Girl (subscribe)
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Published June 26th 2012
A healthy start to the day is the best way to go. We hear this all the time and it can be so simple and easy while being nutritious at the same time.

Toast a slice of tasty German Rye, (available cheaply from Aldi's). Cut it in half and place your cooked egg on one half while spreading the other half with avocado. Oh and yes , you can add a swipe of pesto over this (occasionally) if you so desire.

Avocados are a such treasure trove of nutrients that they come with a pretty impressive resume. They contain vitamin E & C, are a good source of fibre and as well an antioxidant.

Together with your protein (the egg) your start to the day has now been made simply perfect.

If you have any other healthy breakfast ideas, share it with us by leaving a comment below.
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Why? Healthy start to the day
Where: At home
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