Where are the Healthiest Cafes in Nelson Bay

Where are the Healthiest Cafes in Nelson Bay


Posted 2019-05-04 by Sue Wfollow

If you are on a health kick, or simply like to eat healthily, then tracking down a good, healthy café is like hitting the jackpot. It is refreshing to be able to order anything on the menu and know that it will be jam-packed full of vitamins, minerals and - best of all - flavour.

Nelson Bay is a health-conscious town to live in, or visit. Every morning you see people power walking along the Nelson Bay Foreshore , running along the coastal path to Bagnalls Beach or hiking up the Tomaree Summit Walk in nearby Shoal Bay. I personally am one of those people each morning - pounding the pavement and starting the day on the right note and aiming to eat healthily for the rest of the day - so I don't "un-do" all that hard work! These are the healthy cafes that I have discovered around Nelson Bay - where is your local favourite? If you have a yummy, healthy café not mentioned here, please leave a comment at the top of this article and share your tips. You really can't go by healthy food, when it looks this good...

Clean Eats and Healthy Treats can be found on Stockton Street in the heart of Nelson Bay - just look for the Cocowhip sign out the front. This café may not grab your eye when you walk down the road, however once you try their food, you will soon become a regular. This vegan-friendly café makes raw slices, salads, smoothie bowls, lunch meals and Cocowhip - a delicious vegan soft serve treat. See here for details and Eats %26 Healthy Treats/@-32.7229464,152.1437042,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x39c5f2487b040bfd!8m2!3d-32.7229464!4d152.1437042 here for a map to find it.
Essence Espresso Café** is just down the road from the café above and offers organic coffee, vegan cakes, Acai bowls, butter-based coffee and health-conscious, chemical-conscious meals. This colourful café is so cosy and welcoming, you will want to stay all afternoon! See here for details and Espresso Nelson Bay/@-32.7221045,152.1439783,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x7d01462577a72354?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwituJDZp4DiAhXTfX0KHRgMCcQQ_BIwD3oECAsQCA here for a map to find it. For a full article on Essence Espresso, see here .

Passionfruit Juice Bar is a recent discovery of mine, found tucked away in the Cascade Walk Arcade in Nelson Bay. It isn't on the main streets of town, so many people (including myself) miss it, however once you track it down you will want to visit it again and again. The colourful interior screams "healthy", with a huge display of every fruit you could think of along the front counter. It is the perfect post-walk juice venue. See here for a map to find it.

The Little Nel is our family's all-time favourite café when it comes to healthy meal options, raw slices and delicious juices. I can't go past the Acai Smoothie Bowl ($18) and the Toasted Muesli ($16) on the Breakfast Menu each time - with fresh fruits and a more-ish coconut yoghurt under the muesli which just makes the taste buds tingle! See here for details and Little Nel/@-32.7206159,152.1430331,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x3f84eb9f966860d2?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj85JjNwf7hAhWOe30KHQy-BPUQ_BIwCnoECAoQCA here for a map to find it. For a full article on The Little Nel, see here .

TNK (The Natural Kitchen) is found out of town, at the Salamander Bay Village shops, however if you love your healthy food and appreciate portion sizes, then it is worth checking out this small, clean-eating café. Nearly everything they make is prepared in house - from their cold-pressed juice and pickled ginger to their gluten free flour and packaged muesli. Their menu focusses on plant-based wholefoods which provide energy and nutrition. You can grab and go, or sit with a coffee and some tasty protein balls at the few tables outside. See here for details and here for a map to find it.

Do you have a favourite place to visit for a healthy snack, breakfast, lunch or dinner, that isn't mentioned here? If so, please leave a comment at the top of this article and share your local tips. When you exercise and eat well, the day is off to a flying start for the mind, body and soul.

Which healthy cafe will you be visiting this weekend?

81637 - 2023-06-11 06:13:02


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