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He Named Me Malala Film Review

Home > Brisbane > Cinema | Film Reviews | Movie Reviews
by Jenny Esots (subscribe)
A freelance writer and traveller who likes to explore the spiritual, literary and hidden gems of Adelaide and beyond.
The Life of a Modern Day Prophet
He Named Me Malala is a documentary on the life of Malala Yousafzai. It has been showing as part of the Adelaide Film Festival and will have a wider Australian release on November 12th 2015. It has received high praise from prominent woman activists for women's rights including Annie Lennox and on the local front Natasha Stott Despoja.

He Named Me Malala is a documentary on the life of Malala Yousafzai.
He Named Me Malala is a documentary on the life of Malala Yousafzai.

Malala Yousafzai.
Malala is a young Pakistani female activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was targeted by Taliban gunmen, shot in the head and left badly wounded. She required extensive rehabilitation. She was targeted for speaking out for the girls' education in her region of Swat Valley in Pakistan.

In cinemas November 12th 2015
In cinemas November 12th 2015

He Named Me Malala shows life is a sacred thing. Malala has wisdom beyond her years. Her presence is one of conviction and humbleness. Malala is only 18 but already has blazed a trail. Not only for the education of girls, but for standing up against those who abuse power in the name of faith. The issue of education for girls seems like a basic right to those in the western world. But in many countries of the world it is still a highly contentious issue.

Malala is a young Pakistani female activist
Malala is a young Pakistani female activist

This is an American documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim. It shows biographic information about Malala, her homeland, childhood and youth. It includes charming interviews with Malala and her whole family. Malala is seen as not only a public figure but as a girl herself with interests in movie stars and cricket. The film is interspersed with animated drawings of scenes both mythical and modern day. This relates to the origin of her name which refers to the Afghani folk hero Malalai of Maiwand, for whom her father named her. Her father is seen as an inspiration to her for his brave and courageous words on faith and education for all.

He Named Me Malala
He Named Me Malala

This is stirring stuff and one hopes it will reach the audience where the issues of girls education are very real. Malala lives in England exiled from Pakistan following the attempt on her life. She is a modern day prophet who in her actions and direct and sincere manner is showing the way forward for women's equality and a better world.

In cinemas November 12th 2015
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Why? The Life of a Modern Day Prophet
Your Comment
This woman is an inspiration.
by betty (score: 2|730) 2782 days ago
Malala is a brave lady. let women's voice be heard. I know of a lady I met at Delhi airport who may well be India's first woman Astronought so India too has come a long way. This lady will have a PHD by the time she is twenty eight. The lady is humble, softly spoken whose Parents encourage her to literally reach for the stars. I wish the same could apply all over the world for women and yes men as well because there are men who need encouragement as well.
Joan Marshall
by joani (score: 1|10) 2776 days ago
This I am looking forward to. Malala is a giant among people.
by Gayle Beveridge-Marien (score: 4|10580) 2783 days ago
Malala an inspiration to so many.
by Jenny Esots (score: 3|1998) 2771 days ago
Malala is a brave and intelligent girl we are proud of her.


M.H. Zaman Larik from Karachi Pakistan
by mec_p (score: 0|3) 2774 days ago
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