Have You Forgotten Your Child's Shoes

Have You Forgotten Your Child's Shoes


Posted 2020-10-16 by Rachel Timminsfollow

Leaving shoes behind isn't something I ever did as a child. Swimmers twice, shoes never. Older people may lose a shoe if they're drunk enough. After all, I must have seen a dozen single shoes just lying around on footpaths.

They always prompt me to wonder what even caused their abandonment; a brawl perhaps? The big mystery for me is, why is there only one shoe? it's very obvious to the wearer by their discomfort that they are hobbling along in only one shoe. What story lies behind this tendency to make up your mind to just keep one? 'Well, at least I saved one shoe!' What for? The dog to chew? Maybe one of these peg-legs can explain this riddle.

Parents forget to bring their kid's shoes home too. This is understandable. Parents are exhausted and it's then that things like footwear can slip your mind. I've never had the privilege of child-raising and I'm a very tidy person, so I imagine that no shoe would be left alone in the playground. But I could be wrong.

In the above photo, I discovered two whole pairs of shoes which prompted me to ponder this phenomenon. If you are prone to continually having to buy new shoes for the kids, this article on Forgetful Parenting may be of assistance.

I'm told that sneakers hanging from power lines is an indication that the adjacent establishment conducts trade in sniffable substances.

But what about unshod toddlers? Or for another example, parents return to the car after a football match and spot the bare feet and by then believe it's an impossibility to walk all the way back to collect the shoes? Once I saw a shoe being worn by a fence post outside a school.

All of these lost hoof-covers are testament to the stress of parenting and daily living. Or a lack of body-awareness perhaps. But it's no big deal to forget your shoes. Unless they were your best dance shoes? Where do all these single shoes go, the unmatched pairs dump? Maybe someone out there can solve this for me.

96435 - 2023-06-12 02:43:22


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