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Have a Bubble Bath

Home > London > Hobbies
Published February 15th 2011

A long soak in a hot bath is relaxing for your body and soul. Relieve those aching muscles and let your cares slip away with a bubble bath.

Before you begin, it is imperative that you take the plunge and (gasp!) turn off the phone. All of them. This is your relaxation time and it will not be ruined by problems from the outside world. If you live with someone else, lock the bathroom door and tell them that you are not to be interrupted.

Next, prep the tub. Fill to the top with warm water and add your favourite bubble bath. For the ultimate in rejuvenation, add a few drops of essential oil. You'll find a list of essential oils and their purposes here.

Candle light is far more soothing than the harsh light found in bathrooms. Light fat pillar candles and set them around the bath tub. If you decide to use scented candles, make sure the scent matches that of your essential oils or bubble bath. Too many contrasting scents can be sickly.

Once you're in, you can slip on a chilled gel eye mask and drift away; give yourself an all body massage and exfoliation with a loofah; or read a book and enjoy a nice glass of your favourite wine (for the latter, a bath rack makes the job a lot easier). Just make sure you gather all your supplies together before you get in, so that you don't have to do a wet naked run through the house.

Afterwards, dry yourself off with your softest, fluffiest towel. If you don't feel like coming back to earth just yet, slip on a robe and chill out with a glass of wine.
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Why? For a moment of peace in a hectic world
When: Any time
Where: Your bathroom
Cost: Free
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