Happy Death Day 2U - Film Review
Happy Death Day was a horror/ comedy that was one of those better than expected films that hit cinemas in 2017. Whilst I enjoyed the film at the time, I certainly wasn't expecting, or looking forward to a sequel. However, Hollywood won't be stopped from milking anything that turns a profit, and so here we have
Happy Death Day 2U.
The original story revolved around a college girl who has a
Groundhog Day experience, except she is murdered each time but wakes up at the start of the day again. She must solve the mystery of who the murderer is in the baby mask in order to break the time loop. Sadly, she doesn't say if she sees a shadow or not, so you don't find out if there is going to be six more weeks of winter or not.
The sequel returns the cast of the original, and in some ways, follows in
Back to the Future 2's footsteps of reliving aspects of the original from different angles. It also adds a bit of a science fiction concept to the plot, and naturally, it complicates things far more than the original, and in the end, the film suffers a lot from these new elements.
The original film was a black comedy / horror. It worked as a scary film but also had enough humour to make it enjoyable to watch without crapping your pants. However, this film removes much of the black comedy and instead goes for cheap gags and over the top silliness. The horror is very dialled back, as again, Hollywood loves to lessen the violence in a sequel, in hopes of getting more people through the cinema doors due to a lower rating.
The plot does not want you to think about it too much, as it fails miserably to explain many aspects of the film, especially the opening section of the film, which is never resolved as to why all this started happening. You could possibly make some arguments amongst yourselves I guess, but really, it was just lazy sequel-making, lacking anything fresh to add to the series.
The cast is okay but all have limited characters. lead by Jessica Rothe. Her performance is a little more unhinged in this one and she tries hard with the lesser material. The rest of the cast are basically cardboard stereotypes or comic relief.
At a time when many interesting films are hitting the screen, this one, with its lack of fresh ideas and diluted energy levels, is certainly more suitable to waiting for it to hit the small screen.
85892 - 2023-06-11 07:15:29