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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Hahndorf Interim Animal Shelter
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My understanding is if an animal requires euthanasia they take somewhere else to be out down. So is not strictly 'no kill.' No shelter should be 'no kill' in my view. Any animal should not face pain and suffering if sick and/or injured. If cannot be treated, The humane option is euthanasia and it should not be shied away from if it is required.
by toodl (score: 1|75) 3443 days ago
by maril (score: 0), 2154 days ago
I clearly understood that very sick or badly injured animals would be euthanised. That is the kind thing to do for these animals. Hahndorf animal Rescue home has the best interests of the animals at heart. Some animals come in there in dreadful condition but if possible, are nursed back to health. The staff and volunteers are all animal lovers of the best kind.
by r.eng (score: 3), 2356 days ago
When they say "no kill" it means they don't kill them after the number of days they are allowed to do so. In that respect it is "no kill" It is an offence to allow a pet to suffer unnecessarily.
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3443 days ago
"No kill" refers to the fact that unwanted animals are not killed.