Haensel und Gretel Food Truck
If you keen to try authentic German and Austrian cuisine then come to "Haensel und Gretel" food truck. What makes Haensel und Gretel special is their use of fresh and high-quality ingredients. Even more special because their ingredients are sourced locally and they try very hard to be as sustainable as possible.
Haensel und Gretel's owners Ben and Kamala are using recipes straight out of their grandma's secret recipe book. One of their specialities is Viennese schnitzel with potato and green salad. Ben and Kamala lived for many years in Vienna, so their Viennese schnitzels are the real deal. One of my favourites is their goulash. It is slow cooked for several hours until it texture becomes really soft.
You can find Haensel und Gretel every Tuesday and Thursday at Nightcliff foreshore from 5pm until 8pm at the end of Chapman Rd. You can also find them on Fridays at City Boutique Market from 5pm until 9pm. Every Saturday, Ben and Kamala will bring their food truck to Malak Market from 4pm until 9pm.
Even though they have a core menu, they usuall have specials every now and then. Please check their Facebook website
www.facebook.com/Haenselundgretelindarwin for their up to date menu or more information about Haensel und Gretel food truck. Wir sehen uns dort, see you there!
95531 - 2023-06-12 02:06:56