A Guide to Psychic Readings

A Guide to Psychic Readings


Posted 2013-05-04 by Loni Joyfollow
There are many schools of thought about psychic readings. Are there gifted people out there that can help us clarify what is going on for us, or are they all cranks?

I have, over the years, been to a few and whilst many readers are broad and a little on the general side, there are a few who cut straight to the chase. It is hard to discount a palm reading that describes unusual situations that have occurred in one's past. All that aside, it's good to keep a healthy scepticism and to consult one's own intuition - first.

There is no doubt that studies can prove you can tell a lot about a person simply by the way they move and speak. There are heaps of books written about body language and anybody can generalise about another person and be accurate about some things.
So my tips on choosing a psychic reader would be :%%

1. Don't tell them anything. Confirm when they are right but do not offer any additional information.

2. Preferably, go on a referral. If a friend has had a positive encounter that's a good recommendation.

3. Be aware of pricing. I have a general price guide that I won't go over no matter how 'good' they say they are.

4. Don't fall for the voodoo stuff that some amateurs 'warn' you about. Never pay extra money for 'spells to be lifted. Readings should be generally uplifting and positive, even if there are changes you need to make or warnings you need to heed.

5. Be wary yet keep an open mind. Only time will tell whether what they have advised or told you, comes true.

A lady I know refuses to visit any psychic. She told me her cousin changes her plans due to what a psychic has said - therefore becoming self fulfilling. A common sense approach is advised when consulting a psychic.

Some natural healers use their psychic abilities to help them 'tune into' a patient. I know a naturopath who frequently does this as she believes it helps her uncover many underlying issues.
Various kinds of readings you may encounter include:**

Palmistry - Each line on your hand means something. Palmistry has been around since the dawn of time. They say the lines on the left palm are what you are born with and the lines of the right palm are what you do with your gifts or life. The shape of palms, the length of fingers, even the coolness or clammy touch - all means something.

Numerology - has been around since early Egyptian times. The Greeks, Chinese, Japanese, Mayans, early Christians and Incas all tried to gain an understanding of themselves through the use of numbers.

Astrology - is based on the belief system that the planets are in certain positions when one is born thus giving meaning to a person's traits, personality and future.

Mediums - Mediums are highly tuned people who can communicate with the spiritual world, either by clairvoyance (seeing) clairsentience (seeing) or clairaudience (hearing). There are some mediums who help the police locate missing people, in particular children.

Tarot Cards Tarot readers use a pack of cards, some will get you to shuffle them, some don't like anyone else touching their cards and will just get you to cut the pack a couple of times. Each card means something and in combination with various cards, the reader can interpret what is going on for a person, what has been, and what's likely to come along in the near future.

Crystal reader These readers believe in the power of crystals and will ask you to choose a variety of crystals simply because you are drawn to them. Each crystal carries with it a certain energy and the reader will then decipher what the chosen crystals mean for you.

Face reading - they say a lot is evident about a person due to their shape of the face, the nose, the hairline etc.

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