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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Grill'd Burgers, Ascot
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Hi JNick. My name is Jason and I am the franchise owner of Grill'd Ascot. I am disappointed to read your review and to learn that in this instance we failed to deliver on the Grill'd experience that we are proud of.

I would like to invite you and your husband back to Grill'd Ascot for a meal(and to meet you personally) and this time it's my shout! :) I know we can deliver a better experience than you received earlier this month, and I don't want your first Grill'd visit to be your last. We have recently expanded our restaurant and are proud of our offering. Perhaps for your next visit you could review one of our salads or one of our chicken burgers?

I would like to point out though to yourself and your readers that no Grill'd restaurant uses butter, and we never have. I believe what you may have seen was our signature herbed mayonnaise that is on both the Big Queeenslander and the Baa Baa Burger.

If you would like to contact me via [email protected] we can get in touch and arrange another visit to Grill'd Ascot.


Jason Payne
by JP (score: 0|5) 3761 days ago
by JKnick (score: 1), 3760 days ago
Hi, Jason.

Thank you for your comment.

I will take you up on that and would love to do another review on Grill'd Ascot. Your restaurant has a nice open look and feel about it, which is what attracted me to come in in the first place. I'm sure that my personal experience does not represent a majority.

Thank you for putting me to right about not using butter. I could have said margarine/butter; personally, I prefer butter (used moderately) over margarine. But neither one would have been correct. I'm glad that you use (signature herbed) mayonnaise, as that is also more preferable than margarine. Again, these are just my own opinion.

I'll contact you to arrange your shout (: and I'll look forward to meeting you personally.
