Where is the Gold Coast's Cheapest Fro-Yo
The ever so popular frozen yoghurt (or fro-yo) has also arrived on the Gold Coast with a vengeance. There are a couple of establishments in Surfers Paradise that sell some quality fro-yo, especially self service and you pay by weight. However, yours truly has come across a place right near the beach that sells a serving of vanilla fro-yo for only $1. Who would have thought that a similar serving of fro-yo would come to $1 instead of $6?
Enjoy it in a normal ice cream cone at
Wendy's right near Surfers Paradise beach. Their vanilla fro-yo comes with a tangy vanilla taste. At times it might taste a little processed, yet a vanilla flavour with a hint of lemon or lime makes way for a refreshingly cheap snack. Despite the wind or the sun, it does start to melt a little at the bottom. Just ensure you nab a couple of tissues when moving on. Otherwise this cheap treat is $1 well spent. Also if you don't mind enjoying in a cone as opposed to a cup with a spoon.
Of course, it is still great to head to nearby
Yoghurt City or Berry, where you have a greater choice of flavours, and you can choose your own toppings. Again, have not come across any other quality fro-yo products on the Gold Coast that cost $1 or less. You can live well of the Wendy's one, yet everything in moderation. Vanilla is a great fro-yo flavour, albeit can become a little boring after a while, like eating anything, hence constantly becoming "same old, same old."
Have you come across any other establishments that sells cheap fro-yo? Looking forward to hearing about this. This will be beneficial for locals and visitors to the Goldie.
136272 - 2023-06-13 12:21:54