Glenlogan Lakes Park
It is tucked away off a quiet street called St Jude Circuit which comes off Cusack Lane just a couple of kilometres from Jimboomba's main shopping and business centre. I live less than five kilometres away from it and I didn't know of its existence until a friend told me about it last year. Its road frontage is not much bigger than a regular housing block, but when you take the drive into its driveway and car park you will find a large park with a lake adjacent to the Logan River.
The park is Glenlogan Park, and it is situated in the relatively new Glenlogan housing estate. Some of this park's features which really appeal to me include old style post and rail fencing either side of the pathway beside the lake and down to the Logan River, and the walking pathways going through the park. If you live in the area it would be well worth walking or driving to Glenlogan lakes Park just to take advantage of walking paths with beaut scenery for your fitness regime.
Undercover electric stainless steel barbecues are available in addition to picnic tables and chairs which are also undercover. The park is more suitable for adults than for children. The lake and river are quite some distance away from the barbecue and main picnic areas, but young children would need to be supervised.
152805 - 2023-06-14 07:10:14
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