Giggle and Wiggle Program at ACT Libraries
Giggle and Wiggle was the first "proper" kid's activity (aside from my allocated New Parent Group) that I took my eldest daughter to when we first moved to Canberra a couple of years ago.
Giggle and Wiggle is an ACT library initiative and
takes place at all ACT libraries at various times throughout the week (see timetable below).
Aside from the name, (how cute is Giggle and Wiggle?) I was drawn to the group to introduce my daughter to new songs and rhymes. I also liked the idea of her participating in group activities with other children. She was only about six months old when we started going, so my expectations for participation were modest at this tender age.
We went to the Belconnen session every Thursday morning, and after a few weeks, I noticed that she started to recognise and react to some of the songs. Whilst the suggested age-range for Giggle and Wiggle is 0-2 years old, my daughter (who's now nearly four) still has fun at these sessions. Children older than two are welcome, but you just need to keep in mind that there are babies and toddlers around (often sitting or crawling on the ground), so bigger kids need to be careful when moving around or dancing.
"Giggle & Wiggle is about learning through language play - using interactive rhymes, songs, games and stories specifically chosen for children aged 0-2 years and their parents." You can expect classic favourites such as Old Macdonald, Row Row Row your Boat, Five Little Ducks, Twinkle Twinkle, as well as contemporary hits from the Wiggles, such as Rockabye Your Bear. Songs and rhymes focus on alphabet recognition, shapes, colours, and numbers. Repetition is key (expect to sing each song twice), and interaction from children and parents by singing and answering questions is encouraged. Each session goes for about 30 minutes, which is perfect for little ones' short attention spans.
Each library's Giggle and Wiggle session varies, as sessions are run by local library staff. This unique approach is advantageous, as children will have a new experience if you attend Giggle and Wiggle at a different library. The allocated space in each library also gives their sessions a different feel – Belconnen and Gungahlin libraries have more space, so these sessions have more of a "concert" feel, whilst the smaller space at Kippax has a cosy, intimate feel.
Giggle and Wiggle is a fantastic way to
connect with other parents and grandparents whilst teaching your baby or toddler songs and rhymes in a
warm, nurturing environment (especially on rainy days!)
Giggle and Wiggle runs during school terms at the following times:
Monday 10.30 am – Gungahlin
Tuesday 10.30 am – Dickson
Wednesday 10.30 am – Tuggeranong
Thursday 10.30 am – Belconnen
Thursday 10.30 am – Erindale
Friday 10.30 am – Woden
Friday 10.30 am – Kippax
#weston -creek
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