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I was driving through spadina and I saw a soldier walking with a machine gun, this was at 7am, i am very sure that was not normal. And a week ago me an my son were driving same place a big orangy orb flew in front of our car from left to right, this was about 1 or 2am!! Scary but true. I want to know if other ppl have seen something weird there.
by Thali (score: 0|2) 3725 days ago
by Talie (score: 0), 2276 days ago
The Hallmark Place Tower is haunted 100%. I lived there 6 years on the 24th floor and that place freaks the hell out of me. Lights going on and off by themselves, lights burning out same say I put in new bulbs. Elevator going to different floors all by itself at night, like wtf. I saw a woman in a white gown that disappeared, I just about crapped my pants. I heard something out my door and there was a kid staring at my peep hole, I opened the door and there was nothing!!!!! Stay away from the effing building.