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Hi there,
I am a Terowie resident born and bred, and I'm the owner of Murray's corner store, and the manager of the post office which is located in the main street here in Terowie SA. The post office is open 5days a week, and the general store 5 and half days.
The town may seem like a ghost town from time to time, but I can assure you that it does get quite busy as well.
we rely on not only the locals to keep businesses open but tourist as well...
by leann (score: 0|9) 3003 days ago
by woods (score: 0), 2563 days ago
I have Terowie on my bucket list.
My father was born and raised in Terowie and I did visit when I was a child. The family cottage still stands there. I even have one if my father's school exercise books, circa 1920.
I do hope I make it there soon.😊
by [email protected] (score: 2), 2994 days ago
Terowie was birthplace 1880 of Hollywood's First Australian, J.P. McGowan who appeared with Gene Autry in this c1937 hashup.
by [email protected] (score: 2), 2994 days ago
Dave is right. Terowie's past is worth exploiting, including (Dave was not told?) the extant film projection gear in the ffine Institute building.
by Lcahi (score: 0), 3001 days ago
That was me who scooted past...
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3002 days ago
Thanks for the info Leann. If I'd not mentioned it being a (near) ghost town then it wouldn't have had 500 reads in a day. It may be better for your business to remain a ghost town :)
by roger (score: 1), 3003 days ago
Gooday Leann, We did stop on our way to The Hill. Had a couple of beers at the pub, was a welcome break, our Patrol had the air/con broken down. In our late 70's now & are no strangers to the bush. Our last wheels was a 1970 Land Cruiser, only changed about 4 years ago. On our wanderings we have seen so much of the out back in decline it is heartbreaking. Roger Turner.