Get Some Headspace - Guided Meditation

Get Some Headspace - Guided Meditation


Posted 2013-03-29 by Sarah Saysfollow
If you are anything like me, then getting some quiet, peaceful "me" time, with a clear mind seems like a far off distant dream. I am someone who is always thinking - of ideas, work, family, money, relationships and everyday life - and I find it hard to relax and give myself time off, and it seems the more I try the harder it is to achieve.

So, finding out about Get Some Headspace is a welcome relief - Headspace is a App and website that provides free simple guided meditation that is available on-the-go and has a number of programmes and advice to suit every individual and lifestyle.

It has been developed by Andy Puddicombe - who is a registered Clinical Meditation Consultant and former monk - as an escape in this busy, stressful, technology focused world when we are always on the move and forever connected. It allows us to get some headspace and relax, in a really convenient and clear way. Andy voices all the meditations and has a really clear calming voice - a highly important factor for this to work and engage people.

I have always thought of meditation as sitting on the floor cross-legged, burning incense and saying "omm" - a cliché I know, but I guess I was guilty of not really understanding it. The beauty of headspace is that it is not preachy or pretentious at all, it is a really simple process with simple techniques such as blue sky thinking - which I have found really effective. It has videos, guides, hints and tips and FAQs plus loads more information, so you can read up and see if it is for you before you start.

I am doing the Take Ten Challenge which is totally free, it is a series of ten minute meditations for ten days. They focus on breathing and awareness and instead of trying to block out noise and thoughts this style of meditation encourages you to notice and allow them.  The thinking behind it - which makes perfect sense - is that by trying to block thoughts, feelings and sounds you are forcing yourself to relax and that just won't work, like trying to make yourself sleep. 

Identifying and acknowledging brings release - allowing thoughts to come and go, not chasing the good or blocking the bad, brings a space of awareness and calm. The skills that you learn you can transfer into everyday life. I have found the breathing techniques really valuable, and for me, even having just ten minutes of calm and a clear mind, makes a real positive difference in my life.  I feel that I am more aware, and rather than trying to stop negative thoughts coming - I allow them and then release them.

Plus, the fact the meditations are downloads and online and you can access them on your phone or iPad makes it really convenient - you can do it on the train, by the beach, on your lunch break or wherever you want, the key thing is that it fits in with everyone's busy schedule.

The Take Ten Challenge, guides and information is free, but there is a small fee for the other programmes on an ongoing basis - but it is a drop in the ocean for the benefits it brings and in my opinion, is well worth it, as it is easy to learn and fun to do.

If you are looking for some headspace then get some at the Website or like on Facebook or follow on Twitter

90091 - 2023-06-11 08:16:41


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