Garden Tour at Yandina Community Gardens

Garden Tour at Yandina Community Gardens


Posted 2020-07-20 by Elainefollow

Sat 05 Dec 2020

Yandina Community Gardens is a permaculture community garden, where keen gardeners can learn through hands-on volunteering and educational programmes and tours, held on the first Saturday of every month.

So, what exactly is a permaculture garden?

The term 'permaculture' was coined in the seventies and has since then, become a global movement, providing design solutions for every climate, landscape and culture. Permaculture draws insights from traditional cultures, from modern sciences and from personal observations of nature, to collect new and old ways of providing for human needs that are not only sustainable but regenerative. The aim is to create edible ecosystems.

For some, permaculture means a backyard garden that supplies an abundance of organically produced food all year round, for relatively little effort.

To introduce you to their very own permaculture community garden at Yandina Community Gardens, the next two dates for the Garden Tour have been announced, Saturday 7 November and Saturday 5 December. If you are keen to learn more about what to grow or how to grow your garden in the sub-tropics, then this 1 to 1.5 hour Garden Tour is your essential 'go-to' event.

Wannabe green thumbs will get to see and learn from in action permaculture principles and design ideas and might learn a trick or two to create an edible ecosystem at home. Everyone is welcome to join in at this very informative and inspiring Garden Tour - it's literally a case of 'have your nature and eat it too'!

Yandina Community Gardens recommend participants wear hats and bring their own water bottles.

A gold coin donation is the only cost to attend either of these Garden Tours. This small donation helps to contribute to the overall running costs of the Yandina Community Gardens. No bookings are necessary, but every visitor will be required to complete a visitor form, before being permitted to enter the gardens.

All guests attending are to meet at the Bamboo Tepee.

Please note in the event of unsuitable weather - rain or extreme heat - a cancellation notice will be added to the Yandina Community Garden's Facebook page on the morning of the event. Please follow the highlighted respective date links above to indicate your 'interest/attendance' to either one of these Garden Tours.

All images courtesy of Yandina Community Gardens Facebook

!date 05/12/2020 -- 05/12/2020
98194 - 2023-06-12 06:43:40


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