Top 10 Gangnam Style Parodies
It has been a while since the K-Pop sensation PSY's Oppa Gangnam Style video hit the offshore markets. The burly built star singer who likes dressing up in a tux, is a complete contrast to the scantily clad Pop stars.
PSY's gentlemanly looks and a pre-historic dance routine seems to have caught the world by surprise as he has promptly risen to the
#1 spot in both US and UK charts. His idiosyncratic moves have thus inspired many a parodies. Here are my personal favourites:
10) NBC Olympic Style
This parody created by Teddie Films puts American sports-caster Bob Costas' look alike in PSY's shoes. The film seems to touch on some sensitive nerves, and not all may find it funny.
9) Deadpool vs Gangnam Style
A couple of masked men dancing around Gangnam Style, High-fiving little girls and getting punched in the face by kids - yes, it is funny.
8) Gandalf Style
A grey bearded Gandalf running around town and looking for Hobbits.
7) Hot Dog Condom Style
This A rated parody seems to be as funny and quirky as a Hot Dog in Condom.
6) Kim Jong Style
This hysterical Key of Awesome video has some extremely funny lyrics. Dance in single file!
5) Klingon Style
From Kim Jong to Klingon. This video has lyrics in Klingon, with English subtitles. A must watch for Star Trek fans.
4) Oppa Chicago Style
This video by TheAUalumni takes you on a short tour of Chicago. Both funny and fun to watch, it was an official entry to a fan filmed Gangnam parody competition.
3) The Oregon Duck
The university mascot takes you for a ride around the campus. We all love the duck, don't we?
2) London Style
I might be a little biased in putting this video at
#2 , however, it seems to be the best self made video out there. The good editing and camera handling quality, along with a little bit of London fun, certainly makes it a repeat watch.
1) Gunman Style
This Jervy Hou video brings back oriental cowboys and ninjas, pitting them against one another in the wild West, only to be marvelled by some gorgeous girls and PSY's latest hit. Original and a treat to watch.
91195 - 2023-06-11 08:35:02