Frye Park

Frye Park


Posted 2018-04-28 by BecSorbyfollow
Perth is home to hundreds of small, suburban parks aimed at getting the kids outside in an age when the average backyard has shrunk dramatically.

in Kelmscott is one such park. It is located at the Pavilion, just off Albany Highway in a largely suburban area, and it's clearly popular with the locals, with lots of parents and families coming and going in the short space of time we were there.

The main playground features a pirate ship design, complete with the opportunity to walk the plank. For a small playground, there are plenty of things to do, including a separate, largely fenced toddler area with swings, small play structure, sensory play and a rocker.

My daughter's favourite thing about this playground was the 'kid powered energy' music player – simply turn the knob quickly (parents of toddlers will need to give them a hand) until there's enough power generated and have a dance to the funky music!

I can't tell you how much time I spent just at this one part of the playground, powering up the music player while my daughter busted the moves.

The play structure is packed with things to do, including rope ladders, sensory play and a couple of slides. There are even seats underneath the structure for mini pirates who prefer to be below deck.

Being a pirate ship themed playground, there are other pirate-themed bits of play equipment, including a mini sailing boat and an octopus see-saw.

There are shaded picnic tables and toilets over at the nearby Pavilion. also has a large open space for kids who like to run, plus soccer goals and a basketball court.

You can also hire the Pavilion for self-catered birthday parties (except 'high risk' parties such as 18 or 21) as there is a kitchen and hall available.

This playground may be small, but it packs a big punch with lots for the littlest members of the family to do and is worth a visit for any mini pirate.

215771 - 2023-06-16 07:19:53


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