Fringe @ Semaphore
Sat 23 Feb 2013 - Sun 24 Feb 2013
The 2013 Fringe will open with a Splash in Semaphore.
There will be something for everyone.
For a full non-stop 24 hours Port Adelaide, Semaphore and Largs Bay will be an arts hub with exciting events including a Bicycle Convergence, free movies, exhibitions, gourmet food fests, live music and poetry and so much more including an all nighter breakfast.
It's all happening on Saturday 23rd to Sunday 24th February.
Some of the events to be showcased include:
Reclaim the Night - use it or lose it.
All Night Film Show - free.
Art of the Western (suburbs) World - exhibitions within or in front of local shops and cafes.
Bicycle Convergence
Tarts to Truffles - the culinary highlight and seriously Urban Gourmet.
Visitors to the area can expect to see a complete revitalised and bicycle friendly Semaphore main street. There'll be lots to do with the family, lots to do that won't cost a fortune.
For all the updated information, follow them on
Facebook and keep the dates of 23rd and 24th February free.
!date 23/02/2013 -- 24/02/2013
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