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I plan on doing exactly that in the new year. I love helping people, especially elderly, and have seen how lonely they can get, even in a busy nursing home. Most, if not all, elderly people just want someone to talk to. I recently completed a double Cert III in Aged and Community Care and had to complete a mandatory 90 hours of practical experience in a nursing home, which I did enjoy, but also made me very sad for the residents who had no family or friends visiting them at all in the two and a half weeks I was there. As I was there doing work experience, I was given some latitude with the amount of time I spent with the residents I was responsible for on that particular day, but I know most nurses/AINs etc just don't have that time to give them on a daily basis because of the amount of work they have to do in the small amount of time they have. I loved talking to the residents and finding out about their lives and quickly bonded with many of them. Unfortunately it made me very reluctant to pursue work in a nursing home environment which has also limited my employment options, but I know I would really struggle not being able to spend time with residents who only want for someone to talk to. Mandy E.
P.S. the link youput in your story was for an English volunteer group, which isn't very helpful for us in Australia
by steve (score: 2|134) 3469 days ago
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 3469 days ago
I know, I'm sorry, but I don't know any Australian charities. I was just using it as an example.