Free Trees for Gold Coast Residents
Tue 01 Jan 2013 - Thu 30 May 2013
GCCC Parks is continuing its greening of the Gold Coast by continuing to give away
free trees to residents, body corporates and schools. As a resident, all you need to do is take your January rates notice along to the GCCC Nursery which is situated on Shelter Road, Coombabah on
scheduled dates during January to May 2013. The tree species available this year are: Grevillea, Callistemon and Rainforest Tress – all assorted species. You will also receive a planting guide and water wise gardening booklet.
All schools on the Gold Coast are entitled to 50 free trees a year (which can be picked up every Wednesday). If your school or P & C are interested in planting trees then submit your request on a letterhead then get planting. It's a great community activity. The benefits to everyone include improving: air and water quality and reducing: stormwater run off, erosion and global warming, together with buffering noise and providing wildlife habitats.
If you are a resident living in a newly developed, less shaded suburb, you are entitled to pick up five free trees for planting within your property boundary.
The GCCC's involvement continues with the
Beaches to Bushland Volunteer Restoration Program . If you want to meet like minded people, make a difference to your local environment and learn new skills you can apply in your own back yard, then visit this section of the
GCCC website .
A cool thing you may consider with your kids is to bury a time capsule when you plant the tree in your yard. What would you include to illustrate your life and leave for future generations to discover?
In 2013,
National Tree Day is on Sunday July 28th, and
Schools Tree Day is on Friday July 26th.
!date 01/01/2013 -- 30/05/2013
202415 - 2023-06-16 05:15:48