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We have been to 20+ events at Northbridge and have never experienced what Jo, the previous commenter, refers to. It has always been a fun family outing and we will continue to go. You do need to be there early as the bean bags are first come first served and we only go to movies our children will be interested in watching. They show all kinds of movies, new and old, and we have never felt the sound has been too loud. I would say give the event a go as we have never had a bad experience. It's free, entertaining & a 'must do' in my opinion.
by Tina Nunnington (score: 2|314) 3446 days ago
by Nadine Cresswell-Myatt (score: 3), 3445 days ago
Tina, it was great to have your comment to balance out the other reply. It is also absolutely great to get some tips on how to organise yourself so a family can get the best experience possible. Many thanks for your comment.