15 Free Knitting Groups Around Sydney

15 Free Knitting Groups Around Sydney


Posted 2015-05-10 by Rotafollow
Knitting groups have traditionally provided a place for women to meet and interact with a social group outside that provided by their family or work - which can be encumbered with duty and responsibility. The knitting circle has acted as a place for women to vent, share, learn and come and go as they please while sharing a common goal - that of creating a knitted piece.

In our changing society, these knitting groups are now also places for men - as well as women - with a passion for knitting to be social.

Aside from making some wonderful knitted pieces for yourself or for friends, you can join one of the many groups that knit for charity and who are often affiliated with Wrap with Love - a non-profit group that oversees the knitting of thousands of wraps for people in need, every year.

Knitting groups are very individual; some dedicated to charity and others being suitable for people who crochet as well as knitters. Always bring your own materials and needles and make sure you understand the focus of the particular group that you are joining.

Blacktown Knit In

%%Max Webber Library, Blacktown
Thursdays 1 pm-3 pm%%

This knitting group knits for Wrap With Love and welcomes expect knitters and newbies alike. For more information contact 02 9839 6648.

Wrap with Love @ Burwood

%%Burwood Library
Tuesdays 10.30 am to 11.30 am%%

This group knits for Wrap With Love. Knitters requested to bring 8 ply wool and 4mm knitting needles. For more information call Burwood Library on 9911 9999 or email [email protected].

Knitting Group @ Ashfield Library

%% Activity Room 1, Ashfield Civic Centre
Every Friday%%

A new group started in early 2015. For exact meeting times contact the Ashfield Library on 9716 1810.

Wrap with Love at Concord

%%Concord Library
Wednesdays, 3.30 pm%%

A group that knits for Wrap With Love and meets Wednesday afternoons. Knitters to bring 8 ply yarn and either no. 8 or 4 mm knitting needles. For any further questions, contact Wendy Banister on 9911 6348.

Weekly Knitting Groups in Hornsby Shire

Hornsby Library
Fridays 10 am – 12 pm

For more information contact Sue on (02)9847 6804

Pennant Hills Library
Thursdays 10 am – 12 pm

To find out more about this group call Lyndell on (02)9847 6100

Berowra Library
Mondays 2 pm – 4 pm (April - September)

If you have any questions about this knitting group, contact Mike (02)9847 6140

Epping Library
Thursdays 10 am – 12 pm

For more information, contact Sue or Mani on (02)9847 6120

Knit Together at Marrickville

Marrickville Library
Every second Thursday 1 pm - 4 pm, except for certain public holidays as detailed on the Marrickville Library website.

This is a crochet group, as well as a knitting group. Do your own thing or make a piece for the Wrap With Love Program. Refreshments provided, but attendees requested to bring a mug.

The Stanton Knitting Group

%%Stanton Library
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month 2 pm - 4 pm%%

This group also knits for Wrap With Love and accept wool donations. Tea and coffee provided at sessions.

Cronulla Crafters Knitting & Crochet

%%Cronulla Library
Every Wednesday at 1 pm%%

Attendees work on their own knitting projects. Make a gift for a friend or a warm scarf for yourself. Bring your own supplies. Phone 9523 4980 or email [email protected] for more information.

Sylvania Library Drop-In Knitting Group

%%Sylvania Library
Fridays at 10:30 am%%

Phone 9522 7544 or email [email protected] for more information about this informal knitting group.

Miranda Library Knitters

%%Miranda Library
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 10 am%%

Newbies and more experienced knitters welcome. For more information email [email protected] or phone 9524 8217.

Engadine Library Knitters

%%Engadine Library
First Tuesday and 3rd Thursday of each month at 10 am%%

Open to all ages and levels of knitting ability.

Yarn on a Stick or Two

%%Baulkham Hills Library
Various dates, 11:15 am to 1:15 pm%%

Attendees requested to bring along wool and 4 mm needles. For more information on this group and when it is meeting, contact Baulkham Hills Library on 9761 5736.

[b Classie[/b]]

Although not free, Classie host a range of craft classes including a Knitting Class for Beginners in the CBD, where you start at the beginning with the very basics. You'll receive materials in a knitting pack, as well as a complimentary tea, coffee or soft drink.

Classie also have a Knitting: Beginners Extension class for those who feel overwhelmed or uncertain about how to begin or finish your project.

Find a group close to you and join. Or if you have time to spare, consider attending a few different knitting groups near your home or work and getting the most out of this relaxing pastime. Also, always be sure to confirm the meeting time and place with the group organizer before attending.

199519 - 2023-06-16 04:50:50


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