Food Sensations for Adults - FREE Event
Tue 22 Jan 2019
Cooking is an experience that I love! I have taken several cooking courses earlier in my life and find them all fascinating and a great base for future cooking.
In the last decade or so, cooking has been focusing not only on tasty food but also hugely on the health aspect. The food we eat plays a great deal in our health and daily lives, and it can even have an effect on our moods.
If you have not attended a cooking class that also teaches you the health aspects, then this one is a MUST for you!
Food Sensations for Adults is a FREE nutrition and cooking program that teaches you hands-on. It will be great fun and will provide a safe environment for you to try new recipes and cooking skills.
[b]Food Sensations for Adults[/b] is an event that will cover a range of nutrition topics. These include:
Healthy eating
Learning to read labels
Budgeting food items
Meal planning for either lunchboxes or snacks
Learning to have a healthy mind and a healthy body
A supermarket tour or gardening for health
Food safety
Preparation and cooking
It is a four-session program (no one-off sessions), which is usually run over four weeks and participants are requested to attend all four sessions. Each session will last about 1½ hours and they will include education, activities, cooking and eating delicious, healthy food.
Organisers hope that this will inspire you to eat well as Food Sensations will help you to gain more knowledge and change your attitudes and skills around the nutritious foods. It is a class where you will learn hands-on nutrition and cooking experience and it is FREE.
It will be held at the Fremantle Library - Multipurpose Room, 70 Parry Street, Fremantle. The next one will be held on Tuesday 22nd January to 12th February 2019, from 5.30 pm to 8.00 pm. Only one registration is required to attend all four sessions and you can register at this
#tickets ">
link. The other dates for the four sessions are 29th January and 5th and 12th February 2019.
This four-week program is run by Foodbank WA. Foodbank provides food relief for thousands of Western Australian families in need.
Foodbank is a non-denominational, charitable organisation which finds donated and surplus food from the food and grocery industry. They then distribute these foods to welfare and community organisations that provide food assistance to people who are in need.
The Foodbank WA network has branches at head office in Perth as well as regional centres in Albany, Bunbury, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Peel.
They also have other programs and you can check these all out at this
[b]This Food Sensations for Adults will be an interesting and informative event.[/b]
!date 22/01/2019 -- 22/01/2019
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