FOMO Festive Fair

FOMO Festive Fair


Posted 2024-11-24 by Sarah Corkfollow

Thu 14 Nov 2024

Don't miss out!

Make sure you don't get some serious FOMO when this fair is on! A Festive fair is fun for the whole family. And a fair that is Christmassy too is the sort of thing that you will enjoy together. With different gifts to buy and stalls to explore, as well as so many other things to do, there will be loads of things to keep you entertained at the [LINK[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22discovery_top_tab%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D FOMO Festive Fair].

This brand new fair is going to be incredible. This open-air market place offers loads of different stalls, all packed full of gift options, antiques, handmade goods and treats for everyone. If you need gifts for people, and at this time of the year, everyone does, then there will be lots of different designs. There are artworks that would be pretty amazing and would look perfect on your walls. And there will also be some vintage and handmade options. Everything is perfect for whatever you need or want. There are over 60 options to look between, thanks to the different artists, designers, and collections to check out.

There will be workshops, to create a beautiful wreath, and there will also be a Christmas card decorating classes too. This is perfect for Christmas, when there are a lot of gifts that need to be purchased immediately and put away for Christmas. And what is more, you can build two imperfect but still loved pinch pot cups. There will be something for everyone, and you will find an even cooler ceramic bauble that you can create a very exciting bauble for your tree.

The kids that are there are going to be able to attend a free Expressive Kids dance workshop. The sky dancers will show you how to dance as amazingly as some of the most wonderful performers. The Sky Dancers will be there to show you how to dance and flitter like a real sky dancer.

If you want to take part, then head to FOMO in Fremantle on Saturday, the 14th of December. The doors open at 11am and will be finished at 4pm. It is free to enter so you don't have to worry about booking tickets, just show up on the day and discover lots of wonderful, festive things before the big day!


298215 - 2024-11-23 23:30:09


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