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Home > Adelaide > Comments > How to do a Flinders Ranges Road Trip in Two Days
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Great article Michael, I've been meaning to get there.
by Amanda I (score: 2|821) 1670 days ago
by davwa (score: 0), 1669 days ago
Hi Michael....I have to correct your Article...."Angorichina Tourist Village"..not Angorichina Station....the station is the other side of Blinman...could confuse newcomers. Angorichina T.V. land was gifted by the station in 1929 for the purposes of caring for returned WW1 soldiers as a tuberculosis hospital...WW1 soldiers were still running the place in 1968 when I first started going there......was there a couple of months ago and the road was badly eroded....wouldn't advise anyone to use it in a light vehicle.
Liked you article...David W.
by Michael Genrich (score: 3), 1670 days ago
Thank you Amanda!