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by Manny Diaz (score: 0), 2 days ago
report "I took the photo on 6 July 2013. So they have changed the sign? I hope they still call it Flat Rock. :-) Thanks for the information."
Now instead of "Flat Rocks" the sign says "Lincoln Rocks" in the honour of famous mountaineer Lincoln Hall. I have been there at the beginning of 2014 bringing my tourists in a day tour to Blue Mountains for few days. I even did not know that it is 'Flat rock". Any way, that is a really nice and breathtaking view over there.
by mynes (score: 2|174) 3439 days ago
by Anne Dignam (score: 2), 3439 days ago
Lincoln rock is the actual name, flat rock is the local name, so they actually call it both lol