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Home > Adelaide > Charity
by Justine Crowley (subscribe)
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Febfast is an initiative designed to encourage people not to drink during the month of February. A similar concept to the Buy Nothing New Month event usually held in October.

Febfast is all about minimising alcohol consumption, particularly after the festive season. For many people this is not easy to do. The event organisers have picked the shortest month of the year to encourage people to give up alcohol for 29 days; to help people start the New Year on a real high. It will be amazing what wonders this initiative will do for many people's waistline, liver and wallet.

Funds are being raised for charity, so the money saved by not drinking alcohol next month can also go to a worthy cause.

This is a great detox opportunity for many people.

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Why? To raise funds for charity and drink no alcohol for a month
Your Comment
All those boastful Feb-fasters always make me laugh. Yes, it can be difficult to quit drinking for a month... but a woman wanting to have just one child is advised to quit drinking for a year and nine months (breastfeeding and pregnancy), which puts a single month into perspective!
by Victoria Button (score: 1|74) 4153 days ago
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