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I can confirm point 29 - I used to work at the Avalon Restaurant before it burnt down and was on site when the owners were renovating the top of the Savoy into the present site. Our skip bin was at the rear of the building and we used to take the night's rubbish through the derelict Trocadero theatre.

The street doorway led down two flights of stairs into the main hall (putting it two stories below street level). There were gaps in these basement floorboards, and looking through them you could see another extended level beneath the hall which extended down two stories beneath the main basement space.

We could never access this level and have no idea where it came out, but it was perpendicularly aligned with the Carrington Hotel, four stories beneath street level.

In this picture, the entrance to the basement hall is through the double glass doors behind the car:
by skexx (score: 0|5) 1531 days ago
by Linda Moon (score: 3), 1531 days ago
WOW.. THAT'S REALLY INTERESTING. Thanks for posting.