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Home > Perth > Comments > Fairbrossen Estate Winery and Cafe
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Hi Stephanie,
As an owner of fairbrossen I would like to extend a sincere thank you for your kind words and review of our little winery/cafe. It is people like you that we love share our hospitality and love for natural foods and wine.
I hope you will say g'day next time you are up. Many thanks and some fantastic photos of your little angels :)
Matthew Bowness
by Wine (score: 0|6) 3883 days ago
by Stephanie Rae (score: 2), 3883 days ago
Hi Matthew!
Thank you so much for your lovely comments, I'm really happy the article found you! We adored our day at Fairbrossen and I have been daydreaming about getting back up there ever since! Hopefully it will be soon & I can bring my family & friends too! Congratulations on creating something so joyful & delicious! G'day in advance! Stephanie Rae